Thank you for joining me at the
2022 Charlotte Mason Inspired Conference!

You’ll find links to more resources on Charlotte Mason and math below, including the link to register for my video training on How to Teach a Living Math LessonĀ and my new workbook, Charlotte Mason On Living Math. If you have questions or comments after the session, please send them my way. I would love to hear from you!

When you subscribe to my newsletter, I’ll send you my Math Curriculum Evaluation Worksheet to help you determine if a math program will be a good fit for your Charlotte Mason homeschool. I’ll also send you three practical tips for teaching living math.

You’ll also get access to my private podcast launching this June in which I will walk you through Charlotte Mason’s School Education.


Dig into Charlotte Mason's writing on mathematics with the Charlotte Mason On Living Math workbook.

Get my on-demand video training on How to Teach a Living Math Lesson

Read more about Charlotte Mason and Math

Podcasts about Charlotte Mason and Math

Read more about Atmosphere (and Discipline and Life)

Don't forget! Conference Attendees receive $10 off the Education is a Life course from Thinking Love. Use code 2022CMI10 at checkout.