Charlotte Mason is famous for a literature-rich education. But how does her philosophy apply to math, and how do we bring that to life in our homeschools?
Get the reading pack, dig into Charlotte Mason’s words for yourself, and then join the live, guided conversation with other home educators.
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But that doesn’t mean you have to study on your own. In fact, I often find that the best way to get my head wrapped around big ideas is to spend time in conversation with other people who care about the topic. And that is exactly what you’ll find in this Deep Dive session: you’ll join other home educators in studying and discussing Charlotte Mason’s philosophy and how it applies to mathematics.
I’m really new to Charlotte Mason. Are there any prerequisites?
No! Your reading pack will include everything you need in order to fully participate in the conversation.
My kids are in the early years/elementary school/in high school. Will this be right for me?
The reading selections do not focus on any particular area of mathematics, and while there is scope to discuss this more particularly in the live online session, there will be plenty that is generally applicable to teaching math regardless of the age of our kids.
How long is the reading pack?
The reading pack is around 6,000 words. It doesn’t include everything Charlotte Mason ever wrote about math, but plenty to give a strong foundation in how her philosophy applies to teaching math.
How long is the discussion?
The online meeting will last about 90 minutes.
What technology requirements do I need to participate?
The meeting will take place over Zoom, and you will need a microphone and ideally a webcam.
Will the meeting be recorded?
No. The benefit of this deep dive is the live, in-person conversation. Because of this, a recording will not be taken, and it is essential that you are available for the session. I will, however, compile notes after the session which will be sent to all participants. These notes will summarize the key points and will help you if you would like to refer to any of the ideas discussed.
How many people will be in the meeting? Will I have plenty of opportunity to participate?
I am limiting registration to five individuals, which means there will be a maximum of six people in the meeting. I believe this will give everyone plenty of chances to speak, share, and ask questions.
*All are welcome to join in, but please do note that this workshop is run from a Christian perspective, and Charlotte Mason’s faith will be discussed in the context of her own writing.
Hi! My name is Amy. I’m a wife, a homeschooling mom of three boys, and an American ex-pat living in the north-west of the UK. I have a bachelor’s degree in Applied Mathematics, as well as an MA in Education. I worked for a number of years in higher education before leaving the workforce to take care of my children.
I first learned about Charlotte Mason when my eldest was just a baby. Since then, I have been reading, writing, and talking about her philosophy. I share the practical working-out of my Charlotte Mason journey at my blog, Around the Thicket.
You will also find me at the Thinking Love podcast, where I am a co-host, chatting about Charlotte Mason, the early years, and more. If you’d like to hear me chat about Charlotte Mason and math, be sure to check out this episode.
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