On Our Bookshelf – November 2018

On Our Bookshelf – November 2018

A list of books I and my family are reading. For posterity, future reference, and general interest. (Links to the books on Amazon are affiliate links!) Currently Reading Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell I mentioned this last month and am about halfway through it now. Cranford is funny. The little old ladies, making mountains out of molehills, are precious….

How to Get the Best Deal on Used books – for the Least Amount of Effort
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How to Get the Best Deal on Used books – for the Least Amount of Effort

I love reading, and I am constantly taking to the internet to track down the next book for my ‘reading pile’. Since I am rather time poor with three little kids to take care of, and we need to stick to a budget, I’ve streamlined my method for finding and buying used books online. My…

Impractical Faith: Worship is Sacrifice and Celebration
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Impractical Faith: Worship is Sacrifice and Celebration

This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series Real Rest for Tired Moms

Sometimes I get the feeling that as Christians, we often look for ‘practicality’ as a way to determine the merit of an event or activity. A good sermon provides relatable application points. A good conference leaves you with motivation to make specific changes in your life. A good house group or Bible study gives you…

Cool, Calm, and Contemplative: Deep Rest for Tired Moms
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Cool, Calm, and Contemplative: Deep Rest for Tired Moms

This entry is part 3 of 5 in the series Real Rest for Tired Moms

I have been blessed with babies and toddlers who were excellent nappers. Having two children under the age of two was very intense, but even in the early days, their afternoon naps would usually overlap. When everyone was a bit older, they took three-hour afternoon naps – at the same time, in the same room….

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On our bookshelf – August 2018

A list of books I and my family are reading. For posterity, future reference, and general interest. (Links to the books on Amazon are affiliate links!) Currently Reading Working from a Place of Rest by Tony Horsfall. This was recommended to me by a friend from church, over a meal, and in a discussion about one of…

Work and Leisure as a Stay at Home Mom
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Work and Leisure as a Stay at Home Mom

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series Real Rest for Tired Moms

As a young, single adult, my hope for my future was pretty clear: meet a charming man, get married, have kids, and stay at home to care for them. Inspired largely by my own mom, who stayed at home until my siblings and I were all at school, set a wonderful example for me, you…

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Book Review: Outdoor Learning in the Early Years by Helen Bilton

[sc name=”Disclosure”] Outdoor Learning in the Early Years by Helen Bilton takes a broad look at outdoor play in early years settings (affiliate link). Bilton’s book starts from the increasingly familiar premise that outdoor play is quite often neglected: Outdoor play spaces are often either small or non-existent, exclusively tarmacked hard surfaces with few natural elements….