How to Choose Memory Work for your Charlotte Mason Homeschool
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How to Choose Memory Work for your Charlotte Mason Homeschool

When my eldest son started his first ‘formal’ year of homeschooling in January, we made some changes to our morning time together. While we already had the habit of reading lovely stories and enjoying music together, I began to ask my son to narrate our Bible passage for the day, and we began in earnest…

Charlotte Mason and Unschooling: Comparing Two Philosophies of Education

Charlotte Mason and Unschooling: Comparing Two Philosophies of Education

I recently had the chance to speak at the online Learn Free conference about one of my favorite topics: Charlotte Mason for the Early Years. I focused my talk on three questions that Charlotte Mason believed would help parents direct their child’s education: why must children learn at all? What should children learn? How should…

Using Your Home’s Atmosphere as an Educational Tool
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Using Your Home’s Atmosphere as an Educational Tool

Sometimes you leave someone else’s house and you know that they have something special. They’ve created a home where a visitor is never an inconvenience, where the mess your kids make is never any trouble, where you feel welcome, comfortable, and able to let down your guard. You sense the hospitality and friendship. It is…

Impractical Faith: Worship is Sacrifice and Celebration
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Impractical Faith: Worship is Sacrifice and Celebration

This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series Real Rest for Tired Moms

Sometimes I get the feeling that as Christians, we often look for ‘practicality’ as a way to determine the merit of an event or activity. A good sermon provides relatable application points. A good conference leaves you with motivation to make specific changes in your life. A good house group or Bible study gives you…

Finding Freedom from Work for Work’s Sake
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Finding Freedom from Work for Work’s Sake

This entry is part 4 of 5 in the series Real Rest for Tired Moms

Whenever I think of chains, as in prison chains, I remember a scene in Disney’s Robin Hood: Prince John has been arresting all the animals of the forest, and we see a few of them in their striped shirts and hats, walking along to the work camp, each with a cuff around an ankle, links…