A mother’s education is her own responsibility.

A mother’s education is her own responsibility.

This entry is part 10 of 20 in the series Mother Culture Road Map

In the previous post in this series, I addressed a lie prevalent in our culture: that knowledge is only valuable to us as far as we are able to make use of it. If you weren’t convinced, just consider the messages our culture sends: A mother who ‘just’ wants to stay at home is wasting…

Four Questions to Ask Yourself when Your Kids Don’t Listen
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Four Questions to Ask Yourself when Your Kids Don’t Listen

Raise your hand if you wish your kids would listen better. And by listen, you mean follow instructions and do what you ask. The first time. If your hand is in the air, then mine is waving right next to yours. Sit in our house long enough and you will see plenty of examples of…

Five Ways Mom Can Take Five Without Her Phone
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Five Ways Mom Can Take Five Without Her Phone

I come to the same place at least a few times a day. A place where I want to temporarily ‘check out’ of my current circumstances. It’s a combination of tiredness from physically caring for my family, and of weariness from near-constant conversation with young children most of the day. I want to tune it…

On Our Bookshelf – November 2018

On Our Bookshelf – November 2018

A list of books I and my family are reading. For posterity, future reference, and general interest. (Links to the books on Amazon are affiliate links!) Currently Reading Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell I mentioned this last month and am about halfway through it now. Cranford is funny. The little old ladies, making mountains out of molehills, are precious….

Impractical Faith: Worship is Sacrifice and Celebration
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Impractical Faith: Worship is Sacrifice and Celebration

This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series Real Rest for Tired Moms

Sometimes I get the feeling that as Christians, we often look for ‘practicality’ as a way to determine the merit of an event or activity. A good sermon provides relatable application points. A good conference leaves you with motivation to make specific changes in your life. A good house group or Bible study gives you…

Finding Freedom from Work for Work’s Sake
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Finding Freedom from Work for Work’s Sake

This entry is part 4 of 5 in the series Real Rest for Tired Moms

Whenever I think of chains, as in prison chains, I remember a scene in Disney’s Robin Hood: Prince John has been arresting all the animals of the forest, and we see a few of them in their striped shirts and hats, walking along to the work camp, each with a cuff around an ankle, links…