Wish you had a road map to mother culture?

Prevent burnout, grow as a person, and understand the Charlotte Mason philosophy on a deeper level.
I’m currently developing the Mother Culture Road Map into a book! Subscribe to my newsletter to get updates. Not sure? Find out more.

Mother culture starts with understanding ourselves as learners.

Making time for mother culture, for our own growth and learning, is a challenge for any mom. Perhaps you find the concept a burden: just another thing you ought to be doing that you can’t make time for. Maybe it is an elusive ideal: something to which you aspire but can’t manage to consistently do. Or maybe it’s something that you tried, but found it dry and lifeless, in a time of life where so much demands your time and attention.

If mother culture simply isn’t working out for you, I invite you to join me as I go to the very basics of who we are as moms and how learning fits into that.

Charlotte Mason’s principles of education give powerful insight into how we can learn and grow in the thick of motherhood.

The Charlotte Mason philosophy resonates with so many people because it offers principles to guide the way, rather than prescriptive step-by-step instructions. Prescriptions fail when the context changes. Principles, however, allow us to determine how to apply the philosophy in the context of our homes.

I think that Charlotte Mason’s principles even cross the divide of parents and children. Mothers are persons, and so by digging into Charlotte Mason’s principles for educating persons, we can both understand ourselves better and determine how to apply the philosophy to ourselves.

The result? We get going on our own journeys of learning and growth and set an example to our kids to boot.

A person is not built up from without but from within, that is, he is living.

Mother culture on its deepest level.

In my new series, I’ll be exploring each of Charlotte Mason’s Twenty Principles and how we can apply them to ourselves as mothers.Think of this as the Mother Culture Road Map. Similar to how Charlotte Mason’s principles inform our home schools, so they also inform the choices we make around our own learning.