Four Questions to Ask Yourself when Your Kids Don’t Listen
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Four Questions to Ask Yourself when Your Kids Don’t Listen

Raise your hand if you wish your kids would listen better. And by listen, you mean follow instructions and do what you ask. The first time. If your hand is in the air, then mine is waving right next to yours. Sit in our house long enough and you will see plenty of examples of…

How to Troubleshoot a Habit when Habit Training isn’t Working
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How to Troubleshoot a Habit when Habit Training isn’t Working

[sc name=”Habit Training Workshop”] In a previous post, I set out my plans for incorporating habit training into our home. The mission was simple: have my kids get dressed before breakfast, setting us up for a day with more opportunities, less rushing, and generally more fun. I also promised to post updates to give real-life…

Using Your Home’s Atmosphere as an Educational Tool
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Using Your Home’s Atmosphere as an Educational Tool

Sometimes you leave someone else’s house and you know that they have something special. They’ve created a home where a visitor is never an inconvenience, where the mess your kids make is never any trouble, where you feel welcome, comfortable, and able to let down your guard. You sense the hospitality and friendship. It is…

Five Ways Mom Can Take Five Without Her Phone
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Five Ways Mom Can Take Five Without Her Phone

I come to the same place at least a few times a day. A place where I want to temporarily ‘check out’ of my current circumstances. It’s a combination of tiredness from physically caring for my family, and of weariness from near-constant conversation with young children most of the day. I want to tune it…

On Our Bookshelf – November 2018

On Our Bookshelf – November 2018

A list of books I and my family are reading. For posterity, future reference, and general interest. (Links to the books on Amazon are affiliate links!) Currently Reading Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell I mentioned this last month and am about halfway through it now. Cranford is funny. The little old ladies, making mountains out of molehills, are precious….

Foundations of Habit Training: Getting Started with the Educational Tool of Discipline
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Foundations of Habit Training: Getting Started with the Educational Tool of Discipline

Habit training, thus far in my Charlotte Mason journey, has felt like a bit of a unicorn. It’s concept is beautiful (setting patterns into motion that lead to ‘smooth and easy days’ ahead? Yes, please!), but actually managing to do it… that has been beyond me. I’ve been reviewing Charlotte Mason’s motto recently: Education is…

How to Get the Best Deal on Used books – for the Least Amount of Effort
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How to Get the Best Deal on Used books – for the Least Amount of Effort

I love reading, and I am constantly taking to the internet to track down the next book for my ‘reading pile’. Since I am rather time poor with three little kids to take care of, and we need to stick to a budget, I’ve streamlined my method for finding and buying used books online. My…