Homeschool in Review: April 2024

Homeschool in Review: April 2024

This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series Homeschool In Review

April was a turn-around month. We quickly wrapped up our winter term, took a fleeting week off from lessons, celebrated a birthday, and jumped right into our summer term. Here’s how the month went. For reference, I have three boys and we are using AmblesideOnline. At the end of the month I now have: Age…

Educating Persons

Educating Persons

I have a bit of a fascination with Charlotte Mason’s Twenty Principles (see here). It seems like such a good idea: twenty short-ish statements, the perfect introduction to a philosophy of education. Grasp these ideas and off you go! You can educate the Charlotte Mason way! Except that reading the twenty principles often leave you…

On Social Media

On Social Media

I’ve had a lot of posts coming up in my RSS feed about social media, most of them offering different takes on how bad it is. I have lots of Thoughts about social media, and I agree in general that it doesn’t do us a whole lot of good. I won’t digress, but here are…

Podcast Interview: Getting Started with Charlotte Mason with Amy Sloan

Podcast Interview: Getting Started with Charlotte Mason with Amy Sloan

This week I am a guest on the Homeschool Conversations podcast with Amy Sloan (from Humility and Doxology). I always love going on podcasts, and I was particularly excited to chat with Amy, who in addition to being delightful herself, has also had some of my very favorite people in the CM world on Homeschool…