Educating Persons

Educating Persons

I have a bit of a fascination with Charlotte Mason’s Twenty Principles (see here). It seems like such a good idea: twenty short-ish statements, the perfect introduction to a philosophy of education. Grasp these ideas and off you go! You can educate the Charlotte Mason way! Except that reading the twenty principles often leave you…

Charlotte Mason, Education, and Natural Law

Charlotte Mason, Education, and Natural Law

This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series Charlotte Mason, Education, and Natural Law

What I desire to set before the reader is a method of education based upon natural law. Charlotte Mason, Home Education There is something about Charlotte Mason’s ideas that is extremely intuitive. I don’t think it’s just me, either. Plenty of people find that her principles speak to something that they’ve known, but couldn’t articulate….

A mother’s character is not fixed. It is a work in progress.

A mother’s character is not fixed. It is a work in progress.

This entry is part 2 of 20 in the series Mother Culture Road Map

I concluded in the last post that as moms, we need to rise to the challenge of continuing our own education. Mother culture, loosely defined, is time we spend seeking out and taking in those ideas, usually through reading living books. But like most living things, our minds need a direction to grow in. If…

Four Questions to Ask Yourself when Your Kids Don’t Listen
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Four Questions to Ask Yourself when Your Kids Don’t Listen

Raise your hand if you wish your kids would listen better. And by listen, you mean follow instructions and do what you ask. The first time. If your hand is in the air, then mine is waving right next to yours. Sit in our house long enough and you will see plenty of examples of…

Using Your Home’s Atmosphere as an Educational Tool
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Using Your Home’s Atmosphere as an Educational Tool

Sometimes you leave someone else’s house and you know that they have something special. They’ve created a home where a visitor is never an inconvenience, where the mess your kids make is never any trouble, where you feel welcome, comfortable, and able to let down your guard. You sense the hospitality and friendship. It is…