Finding, Buying, and Organizing Homeschool Books
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Finding, Buying, and Organizing Homeschool Books

This entry is part 3 of 8 in the series Getting Started with Charlotte Mason Homeschooling

I think my oldest son was around two years old when I bought our first ‘school book’. I needed to top up an Amazon order so that I could get free shipping, and they had a copy of Our Island Story in their warehouse deals. It’s been floating around our house for years now, only…

How to Help a Homeschool Day Run Smoothly

How to Help a Homeschool Day Run Smoothly

This entry is part 2 of 8 in the series Getting Started with Charlotte Mason Homeschooling

I’ve been doing a morning time routine with my kids for a few years now. After breakfast, we gather and enjoy music, poetry, and books together. Over that time, I’ve noticed one thing: morning time only runs smoothly when all of the books and resources are actually in the basket. Nothing derails morning time faster…

Charlotte Mason Homeschool Scheduling
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Charlotte Mason Homeschool Scheduling

This entry is part 1 of 8 in the series Getting Started with Charlotte Mason Homeschooling

After a long time enjoying gentle and quiet early years, my six year old son has started more formal lessons. In a Charlotte Mason homeschool, providing a broad and generous curriculum is a huge priority. This begs the question: how do you fit it all in? The answer? A lot comes down to scheduling. In…

Mothers are fit for living knowledge.

Mothers are fit for living knowledge.

This entry is part 11 of 20 in the series Mother Culture Road Map

Charlotte Mason’s first ten principles cover a lot of ground. In a few sentences, she covers the nature of a person, the role and limitations of authority in education, and the tools of education that respect personhood. She asserts that children are not sacs to be filled, but have living minds. They cannot be produced…

To find more success with habit training, look at where you have been successful.

To find more success with habit training, look at where you have been successful.

Do you find that when you think about habit training, you usually think of all the habits that aren’t going well? That’s my own typical reaction. I read Charlotte Mason’s writing on the topic, and I come away resolved to do better – a little overwhelmed with all the habits I want to address within…

A mother’s education is her own responsibility.

A mother’s education is her own responsibility.

This entry is part 10 of 20 in the series Mother Culture Road Map

In the previous post in this series, I addressed a lie prevalent in our culture: that knowledge is only valuable to us as far as we are able to make use of it. If you weren’t convinced, just consider the messages our culture sends: A mother who ‘just’ wants to stay at home is wasting…

Mothers need more than tips, tricks, and facts.

Mothers need more than tips, tricks, and facts.

This entry is part 9 of 20 in the series Mother Culture Road Map

‘Mom, where are my socks?’‘I can’t find my t-shirt.’‘Where did my screwdriver go?’‘Mommy, drink?’I always thought my mom’s ability to know the location of every missing item in our house was a superpower. Now that I have my own husband and kids, I know that’s not quite right. It’s not a superpower as much as…

Mothers need to feed their minds.

Mothers need to feed their minds.

This entry is part 8 of 20 in the series Mother Culture Road Map

Sometimes, I find motherhood is a bit mind-numbing. Maybe it’s particularly related to having young children: there is a lot of repetition. Repeating instructions, repeating tasks, repeating stories, repeating games. It is a special sort of exhaustion. It is hard to do the same thing, over and over again. It’s little wonder that when the…

A  mother’s habits shape her character.

A mother’s habits shape her character.

This entry is part 7 of 20 in the series Mother Culture Road Map

If there is one false impression I took from the enormous stack of Christian marriage books that I read during my engagement, it’s that getting married puts you on the fast track to sanctification – and there is nothing else you need to do. Becoming more Christlike will happen as you and your spouse learn…

A mother’s life is naturally educational.

A mother’s life is naturally educational.

This entry is part 6 of 20 in the series Mother Culture Road Map

I am approaching my sixth year of motherhood, and if there is one thing that I’ve learned, it’s to recognize the rub of sanctification in my heart. I sit down with a book and a cup of tea, the toddler down for a nap, my eldest decides he needs three knots tied in a piece…