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Charlotte Mason Homeschool Scheduling

This entry is part 1 of 8 in the series Getting Started with Charlotte Mason Homeschooling

After a long time enjoying gentle and quiet early years, my six year old son has started more formal lessons. In a Charlotte Mason homeschool, providing a broad and generous curriculum is a huge priority. This begs the question: how do you fit it all in? The answer? A lot comes down to scheduling.

In the video below, I’ll go through my schedule for my Year One Charlotte Mason student. We are using Ambleside Online as our curriculum (with a few changes that I’ll chat about in another video soon). Be sure to watch through to the end – I talk about what my other children do while I’m working with my six year old. I’ll also talk about my mental approach to disruptions and changes to our plans.

Scheduling Year One of a Charlotte Mason Homeschool

In this video

00:30 A bit about my family and our own context

01:29 See my homeschool schedule on screen

02:03 My morning time plans for my Year One and Year Zero students

03:40 My schedule for formal lessons with my Year One student

05:05 Our plans for Tea Time and our Charlotte Mason co-op and Nature Study

08:00 Mini School on Fridays (for catching up)

09:04 What my younger children do while I’m homeschooling my older child

10: 35 Three ways I keep a good perspective when homeschooling with disruptions

Resources Mentioned in this Video

I have used affiliate links below. Clicking an affiliate link means that I earn a small commission if you make a purchase, at no cost to you.

Ambleside Online

Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons

Our math curriculum: Mathematics Enhancement Programme

Pattern Play toy

Teaching from Rest by Sarah MacKenzie

The Evolution of a Charlotte Mason Homeschool Schedule from Brandy Vencel at Afterthoughts

A letter from me to you, every week.

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  1. I love your perspective about how some things aren’t at your ideal frequency yet (drawing, handicrafts, etc) but are good enough for now. I can tell you from my own experience (4 years into CM) that it gets easier and it is better to do less things well and happily and build up from there than run yourself ragged. It sounds like a very nice and reasonable schedule!!!! I’m still building up to my ideal . . . we may never get there, but it is wonderful Charlotte Mason set such an excellent vision to aim toward.

    1. Thanks Jen! It’s so important to not pressure myself to ‘do all the things’! And I can definitely imagine it gets easier as littles get less little and you bigger kids get a bit bigger and more independent 🙂 Definitely a marathon mentality!

  2. Amy, thank you so much for sharing your schedule for Y1! We are in the states and at about the same spot in Y1 with my oldest and I have three littles tagging along. I think our year so far and schedule is very similar and it was just very encouraging to hear another mom talk about handling the challenges of every day life with littles and homeschooling an older child. I love the flexibility you have in adjusting your schedule to what is working. I’ve found we need similar adjustment every 6 weeks or so too. With littles family routines and are often a bit influx. Thanks again for sharing!

    1. You are so welcome, Ashleigh! It’s my pleasure to share – I’m so glad it’s encouraging! It’s definitely not always easy dealing with the littles, but we’ve had some really lovely, calm moments so far which are so worth it 🙂

  3. Hey Amy! Any chance you’re willing to share your google doc??? 😆 I can make my own but it’d be a lot easier to see the details on yours. Looks like our Nathaniel will be home with us next school year and I’m working on a plan! And trying to figure out what philosophy we most closely align with.

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