Charlotte Mason, Education, and Natural Law: Thoughts on Telos

Charlotte Mason, Education, and Natural Law: Thoughts on Telos

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series Charlotte Mason, Education, and Natural Law

The second lecture in my class on natural law is about metaphysics – one of those big words that comes up reasonably often, yet I would struggle to tell you what it really means. A simple google search tells me that it’s the study of the first principles of things – the nature of things….

Charlotte Mason, Education, and Natural Law

Charlotte Mason, Education, and Natural Law

This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series Charlotte Mason, Education, and Natural Law

What I desire to set before the reader is a method of education based upon natural law. Charlotte Mason, Home Education There is something about Charlotte Mason’s ideas that is extremely intuitive. I don’t think it’s just me, either. Plenty of people find that her principles speak to something that they’ve known, but couldn’t articulate….

Folk Songs

Folk Songs

Ambleside Online (the curriculum we follow) has posted their folk song choices for 2022-2023. They are good. It always feels a little funny to wrap up school the same week that a lot of things are launching in preparation for the next school year (and when a lot of people are coming to the end…

Reading Slumps

Reading Slumps

I mentioned that I barely read anything over my family vacation last week. It’s too easy to fall away from a good habit – reading before bed, reading in spare time, etc – and the reading rut followed me home. I can only justify reading so many detective novels, as good as they are at…

Incidental Exercise

Incidental Exercise

Last week my husband and I took a six day/five night trip to Kentucky – without the kids. One could be forgiven for thinking we took it easy, rested, and relaxed. Instead, we hiked about 23 miles over three days, in hot and humid weather. We drank lots of water. Despite all the sweat and…