Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth II

“I, Amy Fischer, do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm that on becoming a British Citizen, I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, her Heirs and Successors, according to law.” It’s an odd thing to swear allegiance to the British monarch as an American. Like most,…

Folk Songs

Folk Songs

Ambleside Online (the curriculum we follow) has posted their folk song choices for 2022-2023. They are good. It always feels a little funny to wrap up school the same week that a lot of things are launching in preparation for the next school year (and when a lot of people are coming to the end…

Getting Productive

Getting Productive

My family is back home after a long trip to visit my parents in the US. And like I mentioned before, I have come home with lots of Plans to Improve My Life and Finish My Book. Or at least get a second draft completed. Of course, it’s hard to find time and space for…

On Podcasting

On Podcasting

I’m working my way through Brad East’s new book, The Doctrine of Scripture. It’s good – a book of the read-one-section-a-day-at-the-most variety. I’ve also added his blog to my RSS feed reader (you should use a feed reader, FYI), and in exploring the archives a bit, I found a lovely, provocative post on giving up…

Human Flourishing

Human Flourishing

Our vacations over the last few weeks included quite a bit of driving. Some families seem to pick an audiobook to play over the car speakers and everyone listens in. Personally, I pick out an audiobook and then give my kids headphones. The opportunity for uninterrupted conversation with my husband is too precious. These conversations…