Connections in History

Connections in History

“The king was now in the hands of the armed forces of the kingdom, not of its Parliament” John Schofield, Cromwell to Cromwell, p. 186 “In this way the King became the prisoner of the army instead of the prisoner of the Parliament.” H.E. Marshall, Our Island Story I picked up Cromwell to Cromwell in…

On Beautiful Churches

On Beautiful Churches

In trying to spend as little money on a worship space as possible or making it nondescript as to make it unassuming or inoffensive, we risk forgetting three things: one, that we worship God in physical bodies in physical spaces; two, that these physical spaces are place of spiritual formation; and three, that all beauty…

Charlotte Mason On

a resource from A new, growing series of workbooks to help you learn and apply Charlotte Mason’s principles, topic by topic. Purchase the first in the series, Living Math. Buy Paperback Buy PDF These principles and methods make education entirely effectual. Charlotte Mason What is Charlotte Mason On? Charlotte Mason On is for you, the homeschooling…

Customizing a Curriculum for my Charlotte Mason Homeschool
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Customizing a Curriculum for my Charlotte Mason Homeschool

This entry is part 5 of 8 in the series Getting Started with Charlotte Mason Homeschooling

Do we sometimes expect too much from our homeschooling curriculum? Obviously it’s important. A crucial part of the Charlotte Mason philosophy is to give our kids a broad and generous education. A curriculum certainly helps me make sure that we get the proportions right. But just because curriculum is a valuable tool, doesn’t mean that…

How I Teach Hymns and Folk Songs in my Charlotte Mason Homeschool
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How I Teach Hymns and Folk Songs in my Charlotte Mason Homeschool

This entry is part 4 of 8 in the series Getting Started with Charlotte Mason Homeschooling

One part of Charlotte Mason homeschooling that I love is the inclusion of many riches. Artist study, composer study, and especially learning hymns and folk songs. These topics are not likely to ever appear on a standardized test, but in my opinion, they are essential to educating whole people. Despite the importance of beauty and…

Finding, Buying, and Organizing Homeschool Books
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Finding, Buying, and Organizing Homeschool Books

This entry is part 3 of 8 in the series Getting Started with Charlotte Mason Homeschooling

I think my oldest son was around two years old when I bought our first ‘school book’. I needed to top up an Amazon order so that I could get free shipping, and they had a copy of Our Island Story in their warehouse deals. It’s been floating around our house for years now, only…

How to Help a Homeschool Day Run Smoothly

How to Help a Homeschool Day Run Smoothly

This entry is part 2 of 8 in the series Getting Started with Charlotte Mason Homeschooling

I’ve been doing a morning time routine with my kids for a few years now. After breakfast, we gather and enjoy music, poetry, and books together. Over that time, I’ve noticed one thing: morning time only runs smoothly when all of the books and resources are actually in the basket. Nothing derails morning time faster…

Charlotte Mason Homeschool Scheduling
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Charlotte Mason Homeschool Scheduling

This entry is part 1 of 8 in the series Getting Started with Charlotte Mason Homeschooling

After a long time enjoying gentle and quiet early years, my six year old son has started more formal lessons. In a Charlotte Mason homeschool, providing a broad and generous curriculum is a huge priority. This begs the question: how do you fit it all in? The answer? A lot comes down to scheduling. In…