Why bother with Preschool at Home?
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Why bother with Preschool at Home?

This entry is part 7 of 10 in the series Charlotte Mason for the Early Years

One year ago, I assumed I wouldn’t do any sort of a formal preschool with my kids. Charlotte Mason advocates starting formal lessons no earlier than age six. So why complicate things? I trusted the method, and the wisdom of many home educators who said, ‘Wait on formal academics’. How things change in a year,…

What should our young kids do all day?
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What should our young kids do all day?

This entry is part 3 of 10 in the series Charlotte Mason for the Early Years

What do we do with our children? Obviously we have to meet their basic needs. Food, water, clean diapers, sleep, shelter. I’d throw ‘secure relationships’ into that list, too. But what about when they aren’t eating, sleeping, or being cleaned? What do we do then? There is a lot of emphasis lately on doing enriching things with…

Understanding Your Child as a Whole Person
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Understanding Your Child as a Whole Person

This entry is part 2 of 10 in the series Charlotte Mason for the Early Years

There have been a few times recently when I have not heard my toddler, N, when he is speaking to me.  N is incredibly verbal lately, and like most 2.5 year olds, he babbles and repeats himself a lot, so on some level, I’m simply not expecting him to address me in conversation. My husband has called…


Why We Must Include Outdoor Learning in our Home Preschool

I saw it again: another blog post with an at-home preschool schedule that consisted of a morning of indoor activities. I doubt this mom is forcing her kids to stay inside. I even bet that they spend plenty of time outside. But the outdoors deserves an intentional place in our home preschool planning. Last week, the…

Charlotte Mason and the Early Years
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Charlotte Mason and the Early Years

This entry is part 1 of 10 in the series Charlotte Mason for the Early Years

When N was on the way, I started researching home education. (Can you say ‘planner’?) Blogs of home educating parents mesmerized me. I saw home education as an opportunity to have a flexible schedule, to live in any number of countries, and to protect my kids from the ‘carrot and stick’ education that I had growing up…

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Camping with Littles: Tips from our Trip

Last year, I decided on a whim that Carl and I should take our kids camping. I felt desperate to be outside and frustrated that I so often failed to get them outdoors. Camping would make this easy. They would be outside because there wouldn’t be anywhere else to be. I wouldn’t have to juggle naps and pushchairs, and…

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Exploring Brown County: A Cabin Weekend with Friends and Family

Even with an incredible four weeks visiting my home state of Indiana, I still find it tough to see all the people I want to see in that amount of time. Weekends go too quickly and Carl has limited time to take off work. Plus, I’m reluctant to have the boys in the car too often….